SIC code 27900
What is industry for the UK SIC code 27900?
The SIC code 27900 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of other electrical equipment.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 27900 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of other electrical equipment belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 27900
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 27900 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Appliance cords with insulated wire and connectors (manufacture)
- Backward wave oscillator (manufacture)
- Bell apparatus (other than telegraphic or telephonic) (manufacture)
- Bells (other than telephone type) (electric) (manufacture)
- Carbon brush (manufacture)
- Carbon or graphite electrodes (manufacture)
- Contacts and other electrical carbon and graphite products (manufacture)
- Cyclotron (manufacture)
- Detection apparatus (manufacture)
- Electric bells (manufacture)
- Electrical base metal conduit and fittings (manufacture)
- Electrical capacitors (manufacture)
- Electrical carbon (manufacture)
- Electrical condensers and similar components (manufacture)
- Electrical conduit tubing, base metal (manufacture)
- Electrical door opening and closing devices (manufacture)
- Electrical insulators (except glass or porcelain) (manufacture)
- Electrical pedestrian signalling equipment (manufacture)
- Electrical signs (manufacture)
- Electrical soldering equipment (manufacture)
- Electrical traffic lights (manufacture)
- Electrical welding equipment (manufacture)
- Electrodes for welding (manufacture)
- Electromagnets (manufacture)
- Electronic filter (manufacture)
- Electronic miscellaneous unspecified equipment (manufacture)
- Electronic scoreboards (manufacture)
- Extension cords made from purchased insulated wire (manufacture)
- Extension cords with insulated wire and connectors (manufacture)
- Indicator panel (manufacture)
- Particle accelerator (manufacture)
- Railway signalling equipment (electric) (manufacture)
- Rectifier, solid state (manufacture)
- Rectifying valve and tube (manufacture)
- Resistors including rheostats and potentiometers (manufacture)
- Signal generator (manufacture)
- Signalling equipment for road traffic (electric) (manufacture)
- Simulator (battle) (manufacture)
- Simulator (driving) (manufacture)
- Simulator (other training (except flying trainers)) (manufacture)
- Soldering irons (electrical, hand-held) (manufacture)
- Soldering machines (electric) (manufacture)
- Solid state battery chargers (manufacture)
- Solid state fuel cells (manufacture)
- Solid state inverters (manufacture)
- Surge suppressors (manufacture)
- Tanning beds (manufacture)
- Thyristor (manufacture)
- Ultrasonic cleaning machines (except laboratory and dental) (manufacture)
- Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) (manufacture)
- Wave form generator (manufacture)
- Welding electrode (manufacture)
- Welding machines (electric) (manufacture)