SIC code 52220
What is industry for the UK SIC code 52220?
The SIC code 52220 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Service activities incidental to water transportation.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 52220 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Service activities incidental to water transportation belongs to section H of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Transportation and storage.
Activities related to SIC 52220
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 52220 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Berthing activities
- Bunkering services
- Canal maintenance
- Canal operation
- Cargo superintendent
- Cargo terminal
- Diving contracting (non leisure)
- Dock authority
- Floating bridge company
- Gas liquefaction for water transportation purposes
- Harbour authority
- Harbour operation
- Health and safety activities for waterway maintenance work
- Ice breaking services
- Landing stage
- Lighter lessee or owner
- Lighterage activities
- Lighthouse activities
- Lighthouse Authority
- Lightship
- Local authority canal services
- Local authority docks and harbours
- Local authority lighthouse service
- Marine cargo lighterage
- Marine cargo superintendent
- Marine salvage
- Navigation activities
- Offshore positioning services
- Passenger terminal services
- Pier operation (not amusement)
- Pier owner or authority (not amusement)
- Pilotage activities
- Port Authority
- Port of London Authority
- Salvage activities supporting water transport activities
- Shore base (sea transport)
- Terminal facilities operation (water transport)
- Towing services for distressed freight vessels in inland waters
- Towing services for distressed freight vessels on sea and coastal waters
- Towing services for distressed passenger vessels in inland waters
- Towing services for distressed passenger vessels on sea and coastal waters
- Trinity House
- Tug boat service for inland waterways
- Tug boat service for offshore installations
- Tug boat service for sea barge or off-shore well
- Tug boat service for sea barges on domestic coastal routes
- Tug lessee or owner for inland waterways service
- Tug owner or lessee for in port service or salvage
- Vessel laying up and storage services
- Vessel registration services
- Water transport (supporting activities)
- Waterway locks operation
- Wharfinger
- Wreck raising