SIC code 52219
What is industry for the UK SIC code 52219?
The SIC code 52219 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Other service activities incidental to land transportation, n.e.c..
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 52219 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Other service activities incidental to land transportation, n.e.c. belongs to section H of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Transportation and storage.
Activities related to SIC 52219
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 52219 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Automobile association road patrols
- Bicycle parking operations
- Bridge operation
- Bus station operation
- Car park
- Caravan winter storage
- Clamping and towing away of vehicles
- Commercial vehicle park
- Garage (parking)
- Gas liquefaction for land transportation purposes
- Goods handling station operation
- Health and safety activities for railway maintenance work
- Lessee of tolls
- Local authority car parks
- Motive power depot (railway)
- Motorists' organisation (road patrol)
- Motorway maintenance unit
- Parking lot operation
- Parking meter services
- Railway running shed
- Railway station operation
- Repair and maintenance of rolling stock (minor)
- Roads operation
- Roadside assistance for motor vehicles
- Royal Automobile Club road patrols
- Switching and shunting on railways
- Switching and shunting
- Toll bridge, road or tunnel
- Towing and road side assistance
- Towing away of vehicles
- Tunnels operation
- Weighbridge services