SIC code 43999
What is industry for the UK SIC code 43999?
The SIC code 43999 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Other specialised construction activities n.e.c. motorcycles.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 43999 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Other specialised construction activities n.e.c. motorcycles belongs to section F of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Construction.
Activities related to SIC 43999
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 43999 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Aerial mast (self supporting) erection
- Boring (civil engineering)
- Brick furnace construction
- Brick kiln construction
- Bricklaying
- Carpentry (structural)
- Chimney construction
- Concrete work (building)
- Construction machinery and equipment rental with operator
- Construction of outdoor swimming pools
- Damp proofing of buildings
- De-humidification of buildings
- Demolition equipment rental with operator
- Diamond drilling of concrete and asphalt
- Drying out of buildings (incl. Water damage)
- Earth moving equipment rental with operator
- Ferro concrete bar bending and fixing contractor
- Flare stack and flareboom erection work
- Floor screeding
- Formwork (civil engineering)
- Foundations construction
- Grouting contractor
- Hydraulic construction (subsurface work)
- Industrial ovens erection
- Mason (building)
- Mine sinking
- Oil production platform (fixed concrete or composite steel/concrete) construction
- Outdoor private swimming pools
- Pile driving
- Piling (building)
- Piling contractor (civil engineering)
- Plant hire for construction rental with operator
- Pylon erection
- Reinforced concrete engineer (civil engineering)
- Renting of cranes with operator
- Renting of other building equipment with operator
- Sand blasting for building exteriors
- Screed laying
- Shaft drilling (civil engineering)
- Shaft sinking
- Shotblasting of buildings
- Steam cleaning for building exteriors
- Steel bending
- Steel elements (not self-manufactured) erection
- Steelwork erection (building)
- Steelwork erection (civil engineering)
- Steeplejacking
- Stone carving
- Stone setting
- Stone walling
- Stonemasonry (building)
- Structural steelwork erection (building)
- Structural steelwork erection (civil engineering)
- Subsurface work
- Waterproofing of buildings
- Well sinking (except gas or oil)
- Work with specialist access requirements necessitating climbing skills and related equipment