SIC code 33130
What is industry for the UK SIC code 33130?
The SIC code 33130 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Repair of electronic and optical equipment.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 33130 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Repair of electronic and optical equipment belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 33130
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 33130 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Repair and maintenance of aircraft engine instruments (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of automotive emissions testing equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of clocks in church towers and the like
- Repair and maintenance of electrocardiographs (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of electromedical endoscopic equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of electronic equipment for measuring, checking, testing, etc. (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of hearing aids (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of industrial time measuring instruments and apparatus (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of irradiation apparatus (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of magnetic resonance imaging equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of materials' properties testing and inspection equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of medical and surgical equipment and apparatus (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of medical ultrasound equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of meteorological instruments (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of optical precision instruments (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of pacemakers (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of professional photographic and cinematographic equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of radiation detection and monitoring instruments (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of surveying instruments (manufacture)
- Repair of binoculars (manufacture)
- Repair of electronic optical equipment (manufacture)
- Repair of electronic transformers (solid state), coils, chokes, and other inductors (manufacture)
- Repair of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components (manufacture)
- Repair of heads (pickup, recording, read/write, etc.), phonograph needles (manufacturing)
- Repair of laboratory distilling apparatus, centrifuges, ultrasonic cleaning machinery (manufacture)
- Repair of microscopes (manufacture)
- Repair of mine detectors (manufacture)
- Repair of photographic equipment (manufacture)
- Repair of prisms and lenses (manufacture)
- Repair of telescopes (manufacture)