SIC code 33120
What is industry for the UK SIC code 33120?
The SIC code 33120 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Repair of machinery.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 33120 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Repair of machinery belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 33120
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 33120 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- General mechanical maintenance and repair of machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of accounting machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of agricultural tractors (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of cash registers (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of commercial-type general purpose machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of compressors (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of construction machinery (earth moving type) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of construction machinery (except earth moving type) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of earth-moving and excavating equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of engines and turbines (except aircraft, vehicle and cycle) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of equipment for concrete crushing and screening and roadworks manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of fluid power machinery (compressors) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of fluid power machinery (pumps) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of forestry and logging machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of furnaces and furnace burners (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of gas turbines (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of general purpose machinery n.e.c. (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of industrial process furnaces (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of industrial refrigeration equipment, air purifying equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of industrial type air conditioning (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of lifting and handling equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of lifting, handling equipment, elevators, moving walkways etc. (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of lifts and escalators (not in buildings or civil engineering) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for bookbinding (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for metallurgy (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for mining (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for paper and paperboard production (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for printing (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of machinery for working rubber or plastics (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of marine engines (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of metal cutting or metal forming machine tools and accessories (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of metal working machine tools (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of non-domestic cooling and ventilating equipment (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of non-domestic machinery for drying wood, paper pulp, etc. (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of office machinery (other than computers)
- Repair and maintenance of oil and gas extraction machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of other machine tools (except metal working) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of other machine tools (metal working) (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of papermaking machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of photocopy machines (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of plastic and rubber working machinery (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of pumps (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of railway diesel engines (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of reprographic machinery
- Repair and maintenance of special purpose machinery n.e.c. (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of steam turbines (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of taps (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of valves (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of vending machines (manufacture)
- Repair and maintenance of weighing equipment (manufacture)
- Repair of calculators (manufacture)
- Repair of gearing and driving elements (manufacture)
- Repair of other power-driven hand-tools (manufacture)
- Repair of typewriters (manufacture)
- Repair of valves for machinery (manufacture)