SIC code 28921
What is industry for the UK SIC code 28921?
The SIC code 28921 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of machinery for mining.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 28921 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of machinery for mining belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 28921
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 28921 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Blow-out prevention apparatus (manufacture)
- Borers (mining machinery) (manufacture)
- Bridge plugs (manufacture)
- Cage plant for mining (manufacture)
- Casing hangars (manufacture)
- Coal cutter (manufacture)
- Coal plough (manufacture)
- Coal preparation plant (manufacture)
- Continuous miner (manufacture)
- Conveyor for underground mining (manufacture)
- Crushing machine for mining (manufacture)
- Cutting machinery for coal or rock (manufacture)
- Dinting machine for mining (manufacture)
- Drill bits for well drilling (manufacture)
- Drilling jars for mining (manufacture)
- Earth boring machine (manufacture)
- Elevators with continuous action for underground use (manufacture)
- Hauling engine for mining (stationary) (manufacture)
- Heading machine for mining (manufacture)
- Iron roughnecks (manufacture)
- Liner hanger equipment (manufacture)
- Loader for mining (manufacture)
- Machinery for treating minerals by screening, sorting, separating, washing, crushing (manufacture)
- Mineral cutter (manufacture)
- Mineral dressing plant (manufacture)
- Minerals treatment machinery (manufacture)
- Mining machinery (manufacture)
- Mining tool (bit) (manufacture)
- Moles for mining (manufacture)
- Motion compensation equipment for oil drilling rigs (manufacture)
- Mudline suspension and tie-back equipment (manufacture)
- Petroleum drilling equipment (manufacture)
- Pit bottom machinery (manufacture)
- Powered roof support for mining (manufacture)
- Production riser tensioners (manufacture)
- Production riser tie-back equipment (manufacture)
- Ranging drum shearer for mining (manufacture)
- Riser connector apparatus (manufacture)
- Road ripper for mining (manufacture)
- Rock cutting machinery (manufacture)
- Rock drilling machinery (manufacture)
- Rocker shovel for mining (manufacture)
- Roof support (hydraulic) (manufacture)
- Rotary tables (manufacture)
- Sinking machine for mining (manufacture)
- Skip plant for mining (manufacture)
- Stowing machine for mining (manufacture)
- Track laying tractors and other tractors used in mining (manufacture)
- Tunnelling machine for mining (manufacture)
- Well drilling equipment (manufacture)
- Wellhead running tools (manufacture)
- Wellheads (manufacture)
- Winding machine for mining (manufacture)