SIC code 28410
What is industry for the UK SIC code 28410?
The SIC code 28410 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of metal forming machinery.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 28410 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of metal forming machinery belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 28410
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 28410 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Bending machines (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Boring machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Broach for metal working machine tools (manufacture)
- Broaching machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Chemical process machine tool (metal working) (manufacture)
- Computer numerically controlled (CNC) metal cutting machines (manufacture)
- Cutting machine for metal (manufacture)
- Die stamping machines (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Draw bench (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Drawing machine (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Drilling machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Drop hammers (manufacture)
- Electric discharge metal working tool (manufacture)
- Electrochemical metal working machine tools (manufacture)
- Electro-magnetic-pulse (magnetic-forming) metal forming machines (manufacture)
- End mill (manufacture)
- Filament wire spiralling machines (manufacture)
- Forging machine (metal forming) (metal working) (manufacture)
- Forming machine (high energy rate) (manufacture)
- Gear making or finishing machines (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Grinding machines (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Honing machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Hydraulic brakes (manufacture)
- Lapping machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Laser cutting or welding machine tools (metal working) (manufacture)
- Lathe (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Lathe chuck (manufacture)
- Machine tools (ultrasonic) (metal working) (manufacture)
- Machine tools, for working metal, plasma arc (manufacture)
- Machine tools, for working metals (manufacture)
- Machine tools, for working metals, ultrasonic waves (manufacture)
- Machine tools, for working metals, using a laser beam (manufacture)
- Machine tools, for working metals, using a magnetic pulse (manufacture)
- Machining centre (metal working) (manufacture)
- Metal cutting machine (numerically controlled) (manufacture)
- Metal cutting machine tool (manufacture)
- Metal forming machine (numerically controlled) (manufacture)
- Metal working machine tool (physical process) (manufacture)
- Metal working machine tool parts (manufacture)
- Milling machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Planing machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Press (hydraulic) (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Press (mechanical) (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Press (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Press (pneumatic) (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Punch presses (manufacture)
- Punching machine (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Sawing machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Screwing machines (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Shaping machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Shearing machine (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Sheet metal forming machine (manufacture)
- Slotting machine (metal working) (manufacture)
- Spark erosion machines (metal working) (manufacture)
- Spinning lathes (metal working) (manufacture)
- Stamping or pressing machine tools (manufacture)
- Surface tempering machines (manufacture)
- Swaging machine (metal forming) (manufacture)
- Thread rollers or machines for working wires (manufacture)
- Thread rolling machines (manufacture)
- Threading machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Turning machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
- Unit construction and transfer machine (metal working) (manufacture)