SIC code 27400
What is industry for the UK SIC code 27400?
The SIC code 27400 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of electric lighting equipment.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 27400 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of electric lighting equipment belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 27400
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 27400 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Advertising light (manufacture)
- Arc lamp (manufacture)
- Bug zappers without light (manufacture)
- Bulb for flash lamp (manufacture)
- Candelabra made of base metal (manufacture)
- Candlestick (manufacture)
- Carbide lanterns (manufacture)
- Case for flash lamp (manufacture)
- Ceiling rose (manufacture)
- Chandeliers (manufacture)
- Christmas tree lights (manufacture)
- Discharge lamp (manufacture)
- Dynamo lighting set for bicycle (manufacture)
- Electric fireplace logs (manufacture)
- Electric insect lamps (manufacture)
- Electric lanterns (manufacture)
- Electric lighting equipment (manufacture)
- Flash lamp case (manufacture)
- Flashcubes (manufacture)
- Flashlights (manufacture)
- Fluorescent tube (manufacture)
- Gas discharge lamp (manufacture)
- Gas lanterns (manufacture)
- Gasoline lanterns (manufacture)
- Illuminated signs and nameplates (manufacture)
- Illuminated traffic signs (manufacture)
- Infrared lamps (manufacture)
- Kerosene lanterns (manufacture)
- Lamps (manufacture)
- Lamps for cycles (manufacture)
- Lampshades (not of glass or plastics) (manufacture)
- Light bulb (manufacture)
- Light bulbs including fluorescent and neon tubes (manufacture)
- Lighting equipment (manufacture)
- Lighting equipment for aircraft (manufacture)
- Lighting equipment for boats (manufacture)
- Lighting equipment for motor vehicles (manufacture)
- Lighting fitting (other than glassware) (manufacture)
- Lighting fixture of table lamps (manufacture)
- Mercury vapour lamp (manufacture)
- Miners' lamp (manufacture)
- Neon tube (manufacture)
- Non-electrical lighting equipment (manufacture)
- Outdoor and road lighting (manufacture)
- Photoflash bulb (manufacture)
- Portable lamp (electric) (manufacture)
- Projector lamp (manufacture)
- Search light (manufacture)
- Sodium vapour lamp (manufacture)
- Spotlight (manufacture)
- Stage lighting (manufacture)
- Street lighting fixtures (manufacture)
- Torch (manufacture)
- Ultra-violet lamps (manufacture)
- Vehicle lamps (bulb and sealed beam unit) (manufacture)