SIC code 26110
What is industry for the UK SIC code 26110?
The SIC code 26110 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of electronic components.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 26110 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of electronic components belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 26110
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 26110 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Amplifying valve (manufacture)
- Bare printed circuit boards (manufacture)
- Capacitor for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Cathode ray tube (manufacture)
- Choke and coil (electronic) (manufacture)
- Cold cathode valve or tube (manufacture)
- Colour television tubes (manufacture)
- Diode (manufacture)
- Display components (plasma, polymer, LCD) (manufacture)
- Electron tubes (manufacture)
- Electronic active components (manufacture)
- Electronic condensers (manufacture)
- Electronic connectors (manufacture)
- Electronic crystals and crystal assemblies (manufacture)
- Electronic integrated circuits (manufacture)
- Electronic micro-assemblies of moulded module, micromodule or similar types (manufacture)
- Electronic passive components (manufacture)
- Electronic tube (manufacture)
- Electronic valve (manufacture)
- Ferrite parts for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Finished or semi-finished dice, semiconductor (manufacture)
- Finished or semi-finished wafers, semiconductor (manufacture)
- Hybrid integrated circuits (electronic) (manufacture)
- Image converters and intensifiers (manufacture)
- Inductor (electronic) (manufacture)
- Insulated monolithic, hybrid and passive circuit (manufacture)
- Integrated circuits (analogue or digital) (manufacture)
- Klystron (manufacture)
- Light emitting diodes (LED) (manufacture)
- Magnetron (manufacture)
- Microchip (manufacture)
- Microcircuit (manufacture)
- Microprocessors (manufacture)
- Microwave components (manufacture)
- Microwave tube (manufacture)
- Monitor cables (manufacture)
- Monolithic integrated circuits (manufacture)
- Mounted piezo-electric crystals (manufacture)
- Photo diode (manufacture)
- Photo electric cell (manufacture)
- Photo semi-conductor device (manufacture)
- Photo-cathode valves or tubes (manufacture)
- Photosensitive semi-conductor devices (manufacture)
- Piezo electric crystal (manufacture)
- Plug (electronic) (manufacture)
- Printed circuit (manufacture)
- Printer and monitor connectors (manufacture)
- Printer cables (manufacture)
- Quartz crystal (electronic) (manufacture)
- Receiver or amplifier valves or tubes (manufacture)
- Rectifier plant (electronic) (manufacture)
- Resistor (electronic) (manufacture)
- Semi-conductor (not power) (manufacture)
- Semi-conductor control equipment (converters) (manufacture)
- Semi-finished dice or wafers, semiconductor (manufacture)
- Solar panels (photovoltaic cell type) (manufacture)
- Solenoids for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Solid state circuit (manufacture)
- Stabilising valve (manufacture)
- Switches and transducers for electronic applications (manufacture)
- Television camera tubes (manufacture)
- Television picture tube (manufacture)
- Television scan coil (manufacture)
- Terminals for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Thermionic valves or tubes (manufacture)
- Thyratron (manufacture)
- Transformer for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Transistors (manufacture)
- Travelling wave tube (manufacture)
- Tube (electronic) (manufacture)
- USB cables (manufacture)
- Valves (electronic) (manufacture)