SIC code 20140
What is industry for the UK SIC code 20140?
The SIC code 20140 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 20140 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 20140
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 20140 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Acetic acid (manufacture)
- Acetone (manufacture)
- Acid (organic) (manufacture)
- Acrylonitrile (manufacture)
- Activated and unactivated charcoal (other than wood charcoal) (manufacture)
- Activated earths (manufacture)
- Acyclic (fatty) alcohols (manufacture)
- Acyclic hydrocarbons (saturated and unsaturated) (manufacture)
- Aldehyde (manufacture)
- Amines (manufacture)
- Anthracene (manufacture)
- Aromatic hydrocarbons (manufacture)
- Benzene (manufacture)
- Carboxylic acid (manufacture)
- Charcoal (other than wood charcoal) (manufacture)
- Citric acid (manufacture)
- Coal tar (refined) (manufacture)
- Coal tar distillation (manufacture)
- Coal tar naphtha (manufacture)
- Creosote (manufacture)
- Cresylic acid (manufacture)
- Cumene (manufacture)
- Cyclic alcohols (manufacture)
- Cyclic hydrocarbons (saturated and unsaturated) (manufacture)
- Cyclohexane (manufacture)
- Denatured ethyl alcohol (manufacture)
- Diethyl phenylamine diamine sulphate (chlorine) (manufacture)
- Enzymes and other organic compounds (manufacture)
- Epoxides (manufacture)
- Esters (but (not polyesters)) (manufacture)
- Esters of methacrylic acid (manufacture)
- Ethane diol (excluding anti-freeze mixtures) (manufacture)
- Ethanol (synthetic) (manufacture)
- Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (manufacture)
- Ethyl alcohol (non-potable) obtained by fermentation (manufacture)
- Ethylene glycol (excluding anti-freeze mixtures) (manufacture)
- Fat splitting and distilling (manufacture)
- Fatty acid (manufacture)
- Formaldehyde (manufacture)
- Formic acid (and salts of it) (manufacture)
- Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbon (manufacture)
- Heterocyclic compounds (manufacture)
- Hydroalcoholic solution, denatured, of any strength (manufacture)
- Hydroalcoholic solution, undenatured, containing by volume 80% or more ethyl alcohol (manufacture)
- Hydrocarbon derivatives (sulphated, nitrated or nitrosated) (manufacture)
- Hydrocarbons (not fuels) (manufacture)
- Ketones (manufacture)
- Lactones (coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins) (manufacture)
- Melamine (manufacture)
- Methanol (manufacture)
- Methylated spirits (manufacture)
- Mono and polycarboxylic acids including acetic acid (manufacture)
- Monohydric alcohols (manufacture)
- Naphthalene (manufacture)
- Neutral spirits production (manufacture)
- Nitrogen-function organic compounds including amine (manufacture)
- Oleic acid (manufacture)
- Oleine (manufacture)
- Organic acids and their esters and halogenated, nitrosated and sulphonated derivatives (manufacture)
- Organic base chemicals (manufacture)
- Organic compounds including wood distillation products (manufacture)
- Organo-sulphur compounds (manufacture)
- Oxirane (ethylene oxide) (manufacture)
- Oxygen-function compounds (dual or poly) (manufacture)
- Oxygen-function compounds including aldehydes (manufacture)
- Peracetic acid (manufacture)
- Perchloroethylene (manufacture)
- Pesticide organic chemicals (excluding formulated preparations) (manufacture)
- Phenol (manufacture)
- Phthalic anhydride (manufacture)
- Propyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol (manufacture)
- Propylene oxide (manufacture)
- Pyridine base (manufacture)
- Quinones (manufacture)
- Refined coal tar (manufacture)
- Rosin size (manufacture)
- Saccharin sodium (manufacture)
- Spirit of turpentine (manufacture)
- Stearic acid (manufacture)
- Synthetic alcohol (manufacture)
- Synthetic aromatic products (manufacture)
- Synthetic ethyl alcohol (manufacture)
- Synthetic glycerol (manufacture)
- Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones (manufacture)
- Tar acids (manufacture)
- Tetrachloroethylene (manufacture)
- Toluene (manufacture)
- Urea (not for use as fertiliser) (manufacture)
- Ureines (manufacture)
- Vinyl acetate (manufacture)
- Wood tar chemicals (manufacture)
- Xylene (manufacture)