SIC code 19201
What is industry for the UK SIC code 19201?
The SIC code 19201 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Mineral oil refining.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 19201 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Mineral oil refining belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 19201
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 19201 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Aviation spirit (manufacture)
- Aviation turbine fuel (manufacture)
- Biofuels from blending of alcohols with petroleum, e.g. Gasohol (manufacture)
- Bitumen (manufacture)
- Briquette solid fuel production (manufacture)
- Burning oil (manufacture)
- Butadiene (manufacture)
- Butane (manufacture)
- Chemical feedstock (manufacture)
- Coal tar (crude) from manufactured fuel plants (manufacture)
- Coke petroleum (manufacture)
- Crude oil refining (manufacture)
- Crude petroleum jelly (at refinery) (manufacture)
- Derv (manufacture)
- Diesel oil (manufacture)
- Ethane production by refining (manufacture)
- Ethylene (manufacture)
- Fuel heavy fuel oil (manufacture)
- Fuel oil (manufacture)
- Gas oil (manufacture)
- Gasoline motor fuel (manufacture)
- Greases (at refinery) (manufacture)
- Hard coal agglomeration (manufacture)
- Hard-coal briquettes (manufacture)
- Industrial benzole (manufacture)
- Industrial spirit from petroleum (manufacture)
- Insulating oil (at refineries) (manufacture)
- Kerosene (manufacture)
- Light fuel oil (manufacture)
- Lignite fuel briquettes (manufacture)
- Liquid butane gas (manufacture)
- Liquid propane gas (manufacture)
- Lubricating oil (at refinery) (manufacture)
- Marine diesel oil (manufacture)
- Medical paraffin (manufacture)
- Medium fuel oil (manufacture)
- Mineral oil refining (manufacture)
- Motor fuel (manufacture)
- Motor spirit (manufacture)
- Naphtha (LDF) (manufacture)
- Oil refinery (manufacture)
- Ovoid solid fuel production (manufacture)
- Paraffin (manufacture)
- Paraffin for medicinal use (manufacture)
- Paraffin wax (manufacture)
- Patent fuel production (manufacture)
- Peat briquettes (manufacture)
- Petro-chemical industry products (manufacture)
- Petrol (manufacture)
- Petroleum briquettes (manufacture)
- Petroleum coke (manufacture)
- Petroleum feedstock (manufacture)
- Petroleum gas (manufacture)
- Petroleum grease (at refinery) (manufacture)
- Petroleum product (at refineries) (manufacture)
- Petroleum refining (manufacture)
- Process oil refining (manufacture)
- Process oils (manufacture)
- Propane (manufacture)
- Propylene (manufacture)
- Refinery gas (manufacture)
- Road coverings derived from crude petroleum or bituminous minerals (manufacture)
- Shale oil refining (manufacture)
- Solid fuel briquettes production (manufacture)
- Solid fuels production (manufacture)
- Solid smokeless ovoids and briquettes preparation (manufacture)
- Tail gas (manufacture)
- Technical white oil (manufacture)
- Transformer oil (at refineries) (manufacture)
- Vaporising oil (manufacture)
- Vaseline (at refinery) (manufacture)
- White spirit (manufacture)
- Wide cut gasoline (manufacture)