SIC code 18140
What is industry for the UK SIC code 18140?
The SIC code 18140 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Binding and related services.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 18140 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Binding and related services belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 18140
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 18140 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Adhesive binding of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture)
- Advertising mailing literature finishing (manufacture)
- Assembling of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture)
- Binding and finishing of books, brochures, magazines, catalogues etc. (manufacture)
- Binding and related services, (manufacture)
- Bookbinding (manufacture)
- Braille copying (manufacture)
- Business forms finishing (manufacture)
- Calendar finishing (manufacture)
- Calico printers' engraving (manufacture)
- Card embossing (manufacture)
- Collating of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture)
- Cutting, cover laying, gluing, collating books, brochures, magazines, catalogues etc. (manufacture)
- Die sinking of stationery (manufacture)
- Die sinking or stamping finishing activities, (manufacture)
- Die stamping of stationery (manufacture)
- Embossing (manufacture)
- Finishing services for CD-ROMS, (manufacture)
- Gilding (printing service) (manufacture)
- Glueing of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture)
- Gold blocking (manufacture)
- Gold stamping (manufacture)
- Heraldic chasing and seal engraving (manufacture)
- Heraldic engraving (manufacture)
- Laminating (manufacture)
- Mailing finishing services such as customisation, envelope preparation, (manufacture)
- Merchandising display finishing (manufacture)
- Plastic wire binding and finishing of books and brochures, (manufacture)
- Post press services in support of printing activities, (manufacture)
- Printed paper or board finishing (manufacture)
- Printed sheets finishing (manufacture)
- Prospectus finishing (manufacture)
- Publisher's case making (manufacture)
- Relief stamping (manufacture)
- Sample card finishing (manufacture)
- Sample mounting in support of printing activities, (manufacture)
- Spiral binding and finishing of books and brochures, (manufacture)
- Stitching of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture)
- Tillot and seal making (manufacture)
- Trade binding (manufacture)
- Trimming of books, brochures, etc. (manufacture)
- Varnishing (manufacture)