SIC code 13923
What is industry for the UK SIC code 13923?
The SIC code 13923 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of household textiles.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 13923 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of household textiles belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 13923
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 13923 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Art needlework (manufacture)
- Baby napkins made of towelling (manufacture)
- Bath towel (manufacture)
- Bed linen (manufacture)
- Bedspread (manufacture)
- Bedspreads made of lace (manufacture)
- Blanket making up, outside weaving or knitting establishment (manufacture)
- Blankets including travelling rugs (manufacture)
- Blankets made of cotton and man-made fibres (manufacture)
- Blankets made of wool (manufacture)
- Bolster case (manufacture)
- Boot covers and overshoes made of textile (manufacture)
- Cleaning cloth (not of bonded fibre fabric) (manufacture)
- Cot blanket (manufacture)
- Cot quilt (manufacture)
- Cotton patch quilt (manufacture)
- Cotton, silk, etc. embroidering (except lace and apparel) (manufacture)
- Counterpane (manufacture)
- Dish-cloths and similar articles (manufacture)
- Doilies made of textiles (manufacture)
- Duchesse set (manufacture)
- Dust cloths (manufacture)
- Dust sheet (manufacture)
- Duster (cleaning cloth (not of bonded fibre fabric)) (manufacture)
- Duvet (manufacture)
- Eiderdowns (manufacture)
- Embroidering on made-up textile goods (manufacture)
- Hand towel (manufacture)
- Hand-woven tapestries (manufacture)
- Household textile made-up articles (manufacture)
- Household textiles (manufacture)
- Kitchen linen (manufacture)
- Lace tablecloth (manufacture)
- Lavatory seat cover (manufacture)
- Nursery square (manufacture)
- Pillow case (manufacture)
- Pin cushion (manufacture)
- Polishing cloths and pads, made of unprepared, non-bonded fibre fabric (manufacture)
- Pram blanket (outside knitting or weaving establishment) (manufacture)
- Quilt (filled) (manufacture)
- Quilt fringing (manufacture)
- Roller towel (manufacture)
- Sheet hemming (textiles) (manufacture)
- Sleeping bag (manufacture)
- Table linen (manufacture)
- Table mats made of textiles (manufacture)
- Table runner (manufacture)
- Tea towels (manufacture)
- Textile face masks (manufacture)
- Textile part of electric blankets (manufacture)
- Toilet linen (manufacture)
- Towel (manufacture)
- Travelling rug making-up (outside weaving establishment) (manufacture)
- Travelling rugs made of wool (manufacture)
- Tufting blankets (manufacture)
- Tufting household textiles (manufacture)
- Valances (manufacture)