SIC code 13200
What is industry for the UK SIC code 13200?
The SIC code 13200 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Weaving of textiles.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 13200 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Weaving of textiles belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 13200
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 13200 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Alpaca woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Alpaca worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Apparel cloth woven from yarns spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Awning cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Bagging cloth (manufacture)
- Bandage cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Bast fibres and special yarns weaving (manufacture)
- Bedford cord (not worsted) weaving (manufacture)
- Bedford cord worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Belting duck weaving (manufacture)
- Book cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Brocade weaving (manufacture)
- Bunting made of cotton (manufacture)
- Bunting woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Calico weaving (manufacture)
- Cambric weaving (manufacture)
- Camel hair woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Camel hair worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Canvas weaving (manufacture)
- Carbon and aramid thread weaving (manufacture)
- Casement cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Cashmere woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Cashmere worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Cellular cloth weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Chenille (manufacture)
- Chiffon weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Chintz weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Cloth made of cotton and similar man made fibres (manufacture)
- Coating woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Coating worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Corduroy weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Corset cloth weaving (from yarn spun on the cotton system) (manufacture)
- Cotton weaving (manufacture)
- Cotton-type fabrics (manufacture)
- Crepe weaving (manufacture)
- Cretonne weaving (manufacture)
- Damask weaving (not woollen or worsted) (manufacture)
- Damask woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Damask worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Denim weaving (manufacture)
- Downproof cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Dress fabric (woven (not wool)) (manufacture)
- Dress goods woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Dress goods worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Drill weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Duck weaving (manufacture)
- Flag fabric (woollen) (manufacture)
- Flannel (manufacture)
- Flannelette weaving (manufacture)
- Flax woven cloth (manufacture)
- Flock made of cotton (manufacture)
- Frieze cloth (manufacture)
- Furnishing fabric (woven (not wool or worsted)) (manufacture)
- Furnishing fabric worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Furnishing fabrics woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Fustian weaving (manufacture)
- Gabardine (cotton) weaving (manufacture)
- Gauze weaving (manufacture)
- Gingham weaving (manufacture)
- Glass fibre woven fabric (manufacture)
- Haircord weaving (manufacture)
- Hemp weaving (manufacture)
- Hessian (manufacture)
- Imitation fur (woven long pile fabrics) (manufacture)
- Imitation fur of long pile fabrics made on the woollen system (manufacture)
- Interlining weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Jeans cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Jute cloth (manufacture)
- Jute sacking (manufacture)
- Jute weaving (manufacture)
- Leno fabric weaving (manufacture)
- Linen weaving (manufacture)
- Man-made fibre weaving from yarns spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Man-made fibre weaving of fabrics from yarns spun on the woollen system (manufacture)
- Man-made fibre weaving of fabrics from yarns spun on worsted and semi-worsted systems (manufacture)
- Mohair woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Mohair worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Moquette (not woollen) weaving (manufacture)
- Moquette woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Muslin weaving (manufacture)
- Organdie weaving (manufacture)
- Overcoating woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Pique weaving (manufacture)
- Plush silk (manufacture)
- Plush woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Plush worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Pocketing weaving (manufacture)
- Polypropylene fabrics (manufacture)
- Poplin weaving (manufacture)
- Poult weaving (manufacture)
- Press cloth (manufacture)
- Print cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Printers' weaving (manufacture)
- Quilt weaving (manufacture)
- Ramie weaving (manufacture)
- Sailcloth weaving (manufacture)
- Sateen weaving (manufacture)
- Satin weaving (manufacture)
- Scrim weaving from flax, hemp, ramie and man-made fibres processed on the flax system (manufacture)
- Sheeting weaving from flax and man-made fibres processed on the flax system (manufacture)
- Sheeting weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Shirting weaving from flax and man made fibre processed on the flax system (manufacture)
- Shirting weaving from yarn spun on the cotton system (manufacture)
- Silk type fabrics (manufacture)
- Silk woven cloth (manufacture)
- Suiting woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Suiting worsted weaving (manufacture)
- Taffeta made of silk (manufacture)
- Taffeta woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Tapestry (not woollen or worsted) (manufacture)
- Tapestry woollen weaving (manufacture)
- Terry towelling (manufacture)
- Ticking weaving (manufacture)
- Tie silk (manufacture)
- Towelling weaving (manufacture)
- Tweed (manufacture)
- Twill weaving (manufacture)
- Union cloth (cotton/linen) (manufacture)
- Veiling made of silk (manufacture)
- Velvet (manufacture)
- Velveteen (manufacture)
- Voile weaving (manufacture)
- Weaving (woollen) (manufacture)
- Weaving (worsted) (manufacture)
- Weaving of cotton and man-made fibres (manufacture)
- Winceyette weaving (manufacture)
- Woollen cloth weaving (manufacture)
- Woollen-type fabrics (manufacture)
- Woollen-type weaving (manufacture)
- Worsted-type fabrics (manufacture)
- Worsted-type weaving (manufacture)
- Woven cloth made of polypropylene (manufacture)
- Woven elastic over 30cm wide (manufacture)
- Woven elastomeric over 30cm wide (manufacture)
- Woven pile cotton-type fabrics (manufacture)
- Zephyr weaving (manufacture)