SIC code 10720
What is industry for the UK SIC code 10720?
The SIC code 10720 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 10720 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.
Activities related to SIC 10720
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 10720 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Biscuits (manufacture)
- Cakes (preserved) (manufacture)
- Cereal for sausage filler (manufacture)
- Cookies (manufacture)
- Crispbread (manufacture)
- Dry bakery products (manufacture)
- Matzos (manufacture)
- Oat cake (manufacture)
- Pancake making (manufacture)
- Pastry and buns (preserved) (manufacture)
- Pies (other than meat) (manufacture)
- Pikelet making (manufacture)
- Preserved pastry goods and cakes (manufacture)
- Pretzels whether sweet or salted (manufacture)
- Rusk making (manufacture)
- Salted crackers (manufacture)
- Sandwich cake baking (manufacture)
- Sausage filler made of cereal (manufacture)
- Scone baking (manufacture)
- Snack products of puffed or extruded farinaceous or proteinaceous materials (manufacture)
- Snack products whether sweet or salted (manufacture)
- Sweet crackers (manufacture)
- Wafer biscuits (manufacture)