SIC code 10611

What is industry for the UK SIC code 10611?

The SIC code 10611 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Grain milling.

Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 10611 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.

In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Grain milling belongs to section C of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Manufacturing.

Activities related to SIC 10611

The UK Standard Industrial Classification 10611 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:

  • Barley meal production (manufacture)
  • Barley milling (manufacture)
  • Barley processing (blocked, flaked, puffed or pearled) (manufacture)
  • Bran (manufacture)
  • Cake mixture (manufacture)
  • Cereal grains, flour, groats, meal or pellets (manufacture)
  • Corn or other cereal grains (manufacture)
  • Cornflour (manufacture)
  • Flaked maize (manufacture)
  • Flour (manufacture)
  • Flour milling (manufacture)
  • Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for biscuits (manufacture)
  • Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for bread (manufacture)
  • Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for cakes (manufacture)
  • Flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for pancakes (manufacture)
  • Flour of cereal grains production (manufacture)
  • Grain milling (manufacture)
  • Grist milling (manufacture)
  • Groats production (manufacture)
  • Maize (flaked) production (manufacture)
  • Maize flour and meal production (manufacture)
  • Meal from grain (manufacture)
  • Oat flour and meal (manufacture)
  • Oat grinding, rolling, crushing or flaking (manufacture)
  • Oats (manufacture)
  • Pudding mixture (manufacture)
  • Rye (manufacture)
  • Rye flaking (manufacture)
  • Rye flour and meal (manufacture)
  • Rye milling (manufacture)
  • Rye rolling (manufacture)
  • Self-raising and patent flour (manufacture)
  • Semolina milling (manufacture)
  • Wheat flake (manufacture)
  • Wheat milling (manufacture)
  • Wheat offal (manufacture)
  • Wheat pellets (manufacture)

SIC 10611

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