SIC code 09100
What is industry for the UK SIC code 09100?
The SIC code 09100 in UK is applied to those industries related to the Support activities for petroleum and natural gas mining.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under code 09100 of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of economic activities.
In turn, it should be noted that the industrial activity of Support activities for petroleum and natural gas mining belongs to section B of the SIC classification, which encompasses all companies whose main activity is related to Mining and Quarrying.
Activities related to SIC 09100
The UK Standard Industrial Classification 09100 is used for businesses engaged in any of the following activities:
- Derrick erection in situ, repairing and dismantling
- Directional drilling services
- Diving services incidental to oil and gas exploration
- Downhole-fishing services
- Downhole-milling services
- Draining and pumping services incidental to oil and gas extraction, on a fee or contract basis
- Drilling contractor for offshore oil or gas well
- Drilling services to oil and gas extraction wells
- Floating drilling rig operation for petroleum or natural gas exploration or production
- Fluid-displacement services
- Fracture/stimulation services
- Gas extraction service activities
- Gravel packing services
- Horizontal drilling services
- Hot-tap operation services
- Hyperbaric welding services
- Liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for transport
- Mud logging services
- Oil and gas exploration in connection with oil and gas extraction, including traditional prospecting
- Oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis
- Oil and gas field fire fighting services
- Oil and gas well casing, cementing, tubing and lining services
- Oil and gas well cementing services
- Oil and gas well coiled-tubing wellwork
- Oil and gas well conductor driving services
- Oil and gas well cutting, casing and abandonment services
- Oil and gas well pipe refurbishment services
- Oil and gas well sleeving repair services
- Oil extraction service activities
- Petroleum and natural gas mining support activities
- Petroleum test well drilling
- Petroleum well drilling
- Plugging and abandoning oil and gas wells
- Pumping of oil and gas wells
- Redrilling oil and gas wells
- Repair and dismantling services of derricks
- Sealing of oil and gas wells
- Separation terminal operation (natural gas)
- Spudding in for oil wells
- Test boring incidental to oil and gas extraction
- Turbine drilling services
- Well-perforating services